Thursday, November 29, 2012

Challenge Marathon!

These days I've been looking around other people's blog, as a silent reader and picture browser. One of the websites that I went on (credits: Ruffles Not Diet) mentioned that there's a 30 Day Book Challenge going on in tumblr. Sounds like something right up my alley.

So, I've decided to make this Challenge Marathon a staple to my blog and facebook page. There are ounces of it! Check this out if you're interested!.

Here are some of the Challenges I'm planning to do:

1) 30 Day Book & Literature
2) 30 Days of Television
3) 30 Days of Supernatural
4) 30 Day Hunger Games
5) 15 Day Story Writing
6) 30 Day Film
7) 31 Days Harry Potter

Oh there's too many! We'll see!

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