Friday, August 3, 2012

Life @ Work: Part of Something Special

Everyone goes through life the way they want it to be.

Some people goes through it searching for the meaning of something, while other take the easier route, living one day at a time and taking each step in a slow and steady pace.

But in the end, everyone wants to know that they have done, or at least been part of, something special.

That something special, is sitting together in one room, all eight (previously nine) of us and grinding our teeth on that tedious assignment. Some of us would be quiet in our seats, going through our notes for the nth time and arranging our scripts so we won't mess up in front of our bosses. Other would be working on the slides, discussing the designs and structures and whatnot so said bosses won't fall asleep when they look at our presentation (which they do anyway, no matter what). Occasionally there would be those profoundly obscene words tossed here and there, and most of the time the poking fun, corny jokes and all around merry laughter that healed us from that dreadful feeling of having our necks dragged into the slaughterhouse.

That something special is, telling off one another when we took things way too far, but in the end patching things up because we all know it was for the best. It is how we turn to each other for support, or rally together to defend one of our own. It is the comfort of knowing that no matter what it is, we're in this together, and we will get out of it as a team.

That something special is, learning something new everyday, no matter what it is, and knowing that each day is a new beginning. It is about understanding each other's quirks and habits and restrictions, and accepting them even if they are not what we're used to.

That something special, is being part of here and now.

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